
In a scenario in which increasing attention is being paid to reducing the impact of buildings on the environment, integrated planning presupposes the use ofcertification systems to evaluate the sustainability of the constructed environment.

EP&S’s activity is characterised by involvement in the profession’s cultural associations. We are firm believers in associations with cultural aims and in active participation in education and training programmes that contribute to the technical growth of the sector as a whole.

The choice shared across the EP&S Group is to deliver high-performance buildings by applying innovative certification systems, namely LEED®, BREEAM®, WELL® and ITACA®.

The Group is also certified in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 standards by ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certificate n° 180354-2015-AQ -ITA-ACCREDIA and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Certificate released by the DNV Det Norske Veritas Italia S.r.l. accredited registrar. The certificate refers to: ‘Coordination and assistance of design activities, construction management, safety coordination in design and execution, surveys, measurements, work accounting, works manager, checks and tests of electrical, mechanical and global systems in the industrial, tertiary and civil sectors carried out by the Consortium Members (IAF 35)’.

Our associate company SI.ME.TE. is a qualified supplier of the Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) –Engineering service providers Qualification System Sistema SQ_003, Classes of specialization A5 -B1- B2 – B8 – B9 – B10–and is registered at the Industrial Union of Turin.

Our associate Prodim is a member of both AiCARR and Green Building Council Italia; of the latter, it is part of the board of GBC Chapter Piemonte.

EP&S’s professionals are trained to adopt BIM, possess numerous professional qualifications, and are members of professional Groups and Associations.

Stefano Dalmasso

President, CEO – Engineer-Technical Manager, Head of the Civil and Structural Engineering section

  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)
  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • Qualified in confined spaces and emergency management (Legislative Decree 81/08arts 66 and 121)
  • Qualified professional onthe Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) -Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Renzo Zorzi

CEO, Engineer-Technical Manager

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • National Engineers Council (CNI) member of the Italian Electrotechnical Committee (CEI SC034D) for ‘Illumination Devices’
  • Member of Commission n.7 for ‘Electrical Plant Engineering and Lifts’ of the Price List of Building Works of the TurinChamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture

Giorgio Bo

CEO, Engineer – Technical Manager

  • Holder of the LEED AP Certificate n°10833738-AP-BD+C released bythe Green Buildings Certification Institute, Accredited Professional with a Building Design + Construction Speciality
  • ISO/IEC 17024:2012 – American National Standards Institute affirms that Green Buildings Certification meets Ansi Accreditation Program Requirement Conformity assessment general requisites for bodies operating certifications of persons for programmes within the following scope of accreditation: GRANTED 2011-09-09 LEED AP BUILDINGS DESIGN + CONSTRUCTION
  • Lombardy Regional Authority Energy Certifier n° 27098, with portfolio code 111102709839189024, released by InfrastruttureLombarde (Lombardy Infrastructure)
  • Piedmont Regional Authority Energy Performance Certifier n°109410, released by Sistema Piemonte (Piedmont System)
  • Qualified Head of Prevention and Protection Service (Legislative Decree 81/08 for allsectors of ATECO – classification of economic activities)
  • Vice-president ofAicarr (Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration) in the three-year period 2017-2019

Sergio Berno

Engineer – Technical Manager for Electrical and Special Systems

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)

Matteo Bo

Engineer – Technical Managerfor Mechanical Engineering Plants

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • Piedmont Regional Authority Energy Performance Certifier n°107936, released by Sistema Piemonte (Piedmont System)
  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)

Roberto Mellano

Engineer – Technical Managerfor Civil and Structural Engineering

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • Qualified professional on the Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) – Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Massimo Rapetti

Engineer – Technical Managerfor Mechanical Engineering Plants

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • Piedmont Regional Authority Energy Performance Certifier n°107940, certificate released by Sistema Piemonte (Piedmont System)
  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)

Nicola Siniscalco

Architect – Technical Manager for Architecture

  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)
  • Qualified professional on the Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) – Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Umberto Siniscalco

Engineer – Technical Manager for Safety

  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)
  • Qualified in confined spaces and emergency management (Legislative Decree 81/08arts 66 and 121)
  • Qualified Head of Prevention and Protection Service (Legislative Decree 81/08 for allsectors of ATECO – classification of economic activities)
  • QualifiedAnnual Recurrent Training (RT) Aerodrome Safety (Reg (EU) 139/2014)
  • Confined environment risk and environments suspected of pollution (Art. 2 lett. d) Presidential Decree 177/2011)
  • Qualified professional on the Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) – Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Carlo Piantino

Engineer – Technical Managerfor Civil and Structural Engineering

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)
  • Qualified professional on the Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) – Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Elena Bo

Engineer, Research Doctorate – Environmental, Energetical and Acustic sustainability Expert

  • Research Doctorate in Architectural and Natural Treasures, course 29 at Turin Polytechnic (in collaboration with KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Qualified Acoustical Technician n° 10308 (ENTECA)
  • Piedmont Regional Authority Energy Certifier n°113699, certificate released by Sistema Piemonte (Piedmont System)
  • Lombardy Regional Authority Energy Certifier n° 28462, with portfolio code 111102846256818435, released by InfrastruttureLombarde (Lombardy Infrastucture)

Emiliano Cena

Ingegnere – Progettista e Responsabile di commessa Senior Ingegneria Civile e Strutturale

  • Abilitazione alle attività di Coordinamento per la Sicurezza in fase di Progettazione ed Esecuzione dei Lavori (D.Lgs. 81/08)
  • Professionista qualificato di RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – Sistema di Qualificazione dei prestatori di servizi di ingegneria SQ_003

Luca Chiabrando

Engineer – Plannerand Senior Tender Project Leaderfor Civil and Structural Engineering

  • Qualified in Safety Coordination activities at the Project Planning and Execution stages (Legislative Decree 81/08)
  • Qualified professional on the Rete FerroviariaItaliana (RFI, Italian Railway Network) – Qualification System SQ_003 engineering service providers

Cosma Chiummo

Engineer – Plannerand Senior Tender Project Leaderfor Electrical Systems

  • Registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior for the drawing-up of fire-prevention practices (Legislative Decree n. 139 Art.16 of March 8 2006)

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