

Over the years, EP&S has developed advanced know-how in the field of the sustainability and energy performance of buildings. The aim of the Group is to design high-performance buildings in accordance with internationally recognised energy performance standards – such as LEED®, BREEAM® and WELL® – and of national protocols.

EP&S’s professionals boast experience and know-how in the sector of the energy requirements of buildings. The studies and activities they carry out in the sector are designed to achieve the psycho-physical wellbeing of the end user. Load flow studies of the electrical parameters in distribution network nodes are carried out using cutting-edge instruments and software to supply the data necessary to devise the best strategies for optimising energy consumption.

The normative and technical instruments we use are:

  • Energy performance certifications in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 39 of 26/06/15;
  • Energy audits in accordance with Legislative Decree 102/2014;
  • Dynamic energy simulations;
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for water and air;
  • Energy performance analyses to demonstrate the use of renewable sources in accordance with Legislative Decree 28/2011.

Acoustic control is assuming an increasingly important role in designing spaces and is one of the fundamental requisites for ensuring user comfort. Analysis of acoustic impact and acoustic climate are two important elements in the planning process. More specifically, we focus our attention to mechanical engineering plants, the noiselessness of which is one of the fundamental requisites for planning.

We perform the following activities in-house:

  • Acoustic impact analyses in accordance with Framework Law n. 447 of 26/10/95 and relevant enacting decrees;
  • Drawing up of Acoustic Insulation Valuation document (AIV)

Evaluation of passive acoustic requisites of buildings in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) of 5/12/1997.

Light for working, light for living, light for displaying, hiding and highlighting – every situation needs a dedicated, bespoke lighting solution that can ensure high added value.

We are thinking in terms of advanced concept lighting engineering that translates into the design of functional, sustainable and efficient solutions capable of stimulating perception: a synthesis of technology, quality and design that offers the most appropriate comfort and solution for every situation.

We design according to the most advanced lighting technology principles, paying constant attention to innovation and integration with the most modern regulation systems.

Chief activities:

  • Lighting engineering analysis of natural and artificial illumination.

Planning environmental sustainability and energy saving and efficiency is not only part of our missions, it is also our future. Creating buildings that consume low amounts of energy to ‘work’ is the road to a more sustainable future. And especially if the energy can be produced by exploiting renewable sources, beginning with solar and wind energy, by salvaging rainwater and the thermal of the subsoil, it represents the wellbeing of future generations. This is why we have specialised in the design of photovoltaic, wind and solar plants, of Nearly Zero Energy Building (Nzeb) and building in accordance with the provisions of the principal international sustainability certification protocols.

Our company possesses, in-house, all the professional skills required to obtain the principal national and international energy performance and environmental sustainability certifications: namely LEED®, BREEAM®, WELL®, ITACA®, CasaClima®.

It offers consultancy to clients and businesses, and coordinates architectural and building design groups to obtain the above certifications.

The methodologies and techniques we use naturally take certification requirements into account.


Optimisation of energy consumption

EP&S’s professionals boast experience and know-how in the sector of the energy requirements of buildings. The studies and activities they carry out in the sector are designed to achieve the psycho-physical wellbeing of the end user. Load flow studies of the electrical parameters in distribution network nodes are carried out using cutting-edge instruments and software to supply the data necessary to devise the best strategies for optimising energy consumption.

The normative and technical instruments we use are:

  • Energy performance certifications in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 39 of 26/06/15;
  • Energy audits in accordance with Legislative Decree 102/2014;
  • Dynamic energy simulations;
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for water and air;
  • Energy performance analyses to demonstrate the use of renewable sources in accordance with Legislative Decree 28/2011.

Acoustic control is assuming an increasingly important role in designing spaces and is one of the fundamental requisites for ensuring user comfort. Analysis of acoustic impact and acoustic climate are two important elements in the planning process. More specifically, we focus our attention to mechanical engineering plants, the noiselessness of which is one of the fundamental requisites for planning.

We perform the following activities in-house:

  • Acoustic impact analyses in accordance with Framework Law n. 447 of 26/10/95 and relevant enacting decrees;
  • Drawing up of Acoustic Insulation Valuation document (AIV)

Evaluation of passive acoustic requisites of buildings in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) of 5/12/1997.

Light for working, light for living, light for displaying, hiding and highlighting – every situation needs a dedicated, bespoke lighting solution that can ensure high added value.

We are thinking in terms of advanced concept lighting engineering that translates into the design of functional, sustainable and efficient solutions capable of stimulating perception: a synthesis of technology, quality and design that offers the most appropriate comfort and solution for every situation.

We design according to the most advanced lighting technology principles, paying constant attention to innovation and integration with the most modern regulation systems.

Chief activities:

  • Lighting engineering analysis of natural and artificial illumination.

Planning environmental sustainability and energy saving and efficiency is not only part of our missions, it is also our future. Creating buildings that consume low amounts of energy to ‘work’ is the road to a more sustainable future. And especially if the energy can be produced by exploiting renewable sources, beginning with solar and wind energy, by salvaging rainwater and the thermal of the subsoil, it represents the wellbeing of future generations. This is why we have specialised in the design of photovoltaic, wind and solar plants, of Nearly Zero Energy Building (Nzeb) and building in accordance with the provisions of the principal international sustainability certification protocols.

Our company possesses, in-house, all the professional skills required to obtain the principal national and international energy performance and environmental sustainability certifications: namely LEED®, BREEAM®, WELL®, ITACA®, CasaClima®.

It offers consultancy to clients and businesses, and coordinates architectural and building design groups to obtain the above certifications.

The methodologies and techniques we use naturally take certification requirements into account.